Funny story really. Sunday morning neither of us had any meetings (unusual for us), so we were just being lazy, hanging out in our pj's (mormon code for G's). At about 10:00 our stake presidents office called so see if we could meet with President Corey. I said sure and asked what time, they said he was on his way over to our house. We all got dressed really fast, and soon heard a knock at the door. Just have to say, I love President Corey, he is an amazing man! Anyway, after some chit chat he says "well, you probably know I came hear for a reason. It's time for a change in your bishopric!" Yes you hear right....BISHOPRIC! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Craig is the new first counselor in our bishopric. LOL! Now to finish my previously mentioned description of my husband. He may come across as a guy that is layed back, and really doesn't care about much, but inside he is the most sensitive, loving, honest, hard working, humble man I know. He is a spiritual giant among men, and he has a deep impact on those around him. He always has profound insight on different situations. I am so lucky to have him as my husband, and the Father of my children.
After the Stake President left, we went to the church to meet with the Bishop (knowing what he wanted to talk about...kind of). We had a great meeting with him, and he had some amazing things to say about Craig. Half an hour later church started, and they sustained Craig in sacrament. Craig's Dad got to ordain him as a high priest, and that night Craig had his first disciplinary counsel, so he had a dive right in to the job. That was our Sunday in a nut shell.
The moral of the story is...don't miss your ward for 5 weeks in a row, or you might be next!