We spent day 3 & 4 at Disney Land. It was my first time going, and I couldn't believe how big it was. There was just sooo much to see and do, we almost wish we had 1 or 2 more days to spend at the parks. The first day we all did rides and stuff together all day(it was sooo fun), and headed back to the hotel for dinner around 6. Craig and I got the kids settled after dinner, and then the two of us headed back to the parks. We ran from ride to ride like we were little kids again....SO. MUCH. FUN! I love my Guy so much. The time we get to spend together is few and far between, so I treasure every moment we have. He works LLLOOOOOONG, hard hours at the Dealership, plus his responsibilities in the Bishopric, and all the other stuff he has going on, it just doesn't leave time for us to hang out. He works SO hard for us, and we love and appreciate him so much for doing it.
The second day we got a little later start. A. because we planned on being at the park late with the kids, & B. because Craig and I were tired. That day we rode on the rides all day again, went back to the hotel for dinner, and we all came back for the "world of Color" show in California Adventure. It was A to the Mazing!
Water, lasers, lights, fire, music, this show had it all. The kids loved it. After the show Craig was still feeling a tid bit sick from the tea cups, so he decided to turn in for the night with Layla and Benson. Carter, Lisa and I stayed until the park kicked us out around midnight. I loved the special attention Carter got that night from me, since he was the only kid there. We laughed until my sides hurt, he is the funniest kid ever.
I have a bazillion pictures that I want to post, so enjoy:)

I love this family Picture

happy Benson at the start of the day

...as the giant grasshopper prepares to eat their cute little heads off.

This was Carters favorite movie for at least 2 years of the 6 he has been alive, so it was fun to see him with his favorites.

Layla, you just gotta LOVE her.

I think this is such a cute picture

Grumpy Benson at the end of the day,this makes me laugh hard! "what are you lookin at"


one of the few times I got to hold Layla

Layla and Lisa. Layla LOVES Lisa so much, she wouldn't even let me and Craig hold her hand or carry her most of the time. When I tried she would say "Oh, sorry Mom, Lisa is MY parter" as she ran back to Lisa.

This was one of my favorite moments. The kids were Sooooo excited to meet Mickey Mouse, and I loved the look on their faces when we walked into the room. I wish I had gotten a picture of their faces when they first saw him.

This is Laylas "I need a bathroom REALLY bad, but I don't want to miss anything fun" face.

Layla and HER partner.