In case you didn't already know, I am a Mormon. I believe that death is not the end, but the beginning of the next life. Does that mean it isn't sad when I lose someone I love? No.
It means I know I will see them again, but I'm going to miss them lots in the mean time, because I don't plan on seeing them for a while.

4 generations
Anyone that knows me well knows that I have always been very close to my Grandma Anna. As a child I would roller blade or ride my bike to her house almost everyday, because we lived only a few blocks apart, and she always had a cookie and a hug waiting for me.
When I turned 16 and began to date she would always ask about my friends. When I was 17 and met a cute boy named Craig Hall she wanted to meet him too, and she told me he was a good one. When Craig turned 19 Grandma had us over for a birthday breakfast, and she introduced him to aeblaskeva (pancake balls), a favorite Danish family tradition we have.
Grandma had prime real estate when it came to parking. She lived across the street from the Institute of religion on the ISU campass. Only vehicles with a special permit could park at grandmas house, and she always reserved one of those valuable little gems for me.
I usually didn't have time to visit before class, but I would always go see her during my break, and I always left her home with a full tummy and a happy heart.
I happened to choose a preschool for my children that wasn't far from grandmas house, so it would perfect to go visit while Carter was at school. We continued the tradition with Layla. Drop her off, go pick up a cinnamon roll from Geraldine's bakery, eat and visit with grandma, pick up Layla, and on with the day. We had a routine. I liked it.
On February 16, 2012 Grandma Anna Streeper said farewell to her long, full life on Earth.
I cried.
That was a hard day, but something else followed that hard day.
Images of my amazing little Grandma Anna rejoicing as she hugged my amazing little Mother filled my mind. I know I am going to miss Grandma so much, but I can't describe how happy it makes me feel to know my Mom gets to be with her Mom again.
I have been filled with a comfort and peace I didn't expect to find so soon.
I am so thankful for eternal families!