here is a fast catch up moment on what has happened since our fun weekend:
*Foot surgery.
Somehow we didn't take any pictures...probably for the best. On September 9 I had surgery on both of my feet. Bunionectomies on both sides + neuromaectomy (I obviously don't know the correct terminology here, my spell checker is going mad) on my left foot = me in a wheelchair for 2 weeks. It really wasn't all that bad though, because I got to stay with Judy for the first was like an extended slumber party (that I was really drugged up for, providing the entertainment for everyone else). She was amazing! BIG thank you to you Judy, we for real couldn't have made it through those first couple of weeks without you.
*Laylas first Day of Preschool.
I love her face in the picture of her holding her backpack. She was saying "this is willly heavy"
We are doing a preschool group with some friends from the ward. These two little girls also go to dance with Layla, and they both say they are going to merry Carter.
*Carters first Day of Kindergarten.
He was super excited to go to "real school" as he calls it, but he got a little nervous when we got there. We stood next to his classroom door waiting for his class to come in from outside, and he whispered in my ear "Mom, I'm a little scared". I told him that his job that day was to make one new friend, and tell me about them when he came home. After school when I picked him up he said "Mom, you said to make one new friend, but I made two. Isn't that great?" I am proud of him for sticking it out, and going outside his comfort zone.
"What is that in Laylas hair, and all over her face?" you may be asking yourself. Well, that's what we call home grown organic eggs. They say it's good for your pores, and really makes your hair sparkle...OK, maybe not. Layla decided to she was going to be helpful by checking for eggs, and picking the ripe tomatoes for me while I fed Benson. She filled her shirt with tomatoes, and carefully carried a new egg in the house. When she got to the kitchen the tomatoes spilt out of her shirt, and squashed on the floor. She tried to reach down to clean them up, and used her other hand to steady herself by holding onto the table above her head. That would have worked great, but she forgot she was holding an egg in that hand. So the egg broke over her head, and dripped down her cheek.
I failed to mention this was my first day home alone after my double foot surgery, so I was still in the wheel chair. I was in the front room feeding Benson, and heard Layla scream like she had just lost a limb, so I jumped up and got to her as fast as I could (killing myself in the process), to find this picture.
*Benson growing too fast
He just likes to hang out with us, and chill. He is pretty much the most amazing baby ever, he is so good. We are all totally and completely in love with him, and I never really put him down except when I have to share him with Craig and the kids.
*Layla started dance..which is a pretty dang big deal if you know her at all.
I took this picture of her after her first lesson, and I said "Layla, can I take your picture?" she said "OK, wait", posed herself like this, and said "OK, go ahead". She is such a crack up, and keeps us laughing every day.
*Harvesting the garden.
Our garden has been incredible this year, but I didn't really take any pictures of our reaping we got from the sowing. Just these pictures of the big sunflower Carter grew. He would go out to water it every day, and check on it's progress.
he is just so cute, I had to slip another shot of him in here
We have been busy with lots of other stuff too, but i don't have pictures, so that will have to do.
Halloween is just around the corner, so I'll get those pictures posted next week. Hope you all have a great Halloween, and dress your kids in super cute little costumes.
Love, Susan