This is the SHORT version of our wonderful spring/summer 2012

Carter had a great soccer season
Layla turned 5! One of the MANY things I love about my girl is that she is always true to who she is. She wouldn't want a princess party like every other little 5 year old girl in the, she wanted an owl birthday party:) I love it! Also, so didn't want cake and ice cream...she asked for watermelon and Popsicles.
At first I was a little worried because I didn't want her to miss out on blowing out the candles, but i came up with a solution...a watermelon cake!
On Mothers day Craig had to go to an early morning bishopric meeting, so the kids took in upon themselves to make me breakfast in bed. It was the sweetest thing ever... and I nearly wet myself trying not to giggle.
*string cheese, a carrot, pumpkin chocolate chip cookie, and heart shaped toast...perfectly balanced meal!
Dad is running for the Idaho Senate, and he won the primary election. Now we just have to get through the general election in November.
Vote Romney...I mean Romriell...or both...whatever;)
I had another sewing kick, and made this skirt for Layla's preschool graduation...without a pattern:)
I thought I rocked it.
Layla and Mrs. Jen, her preschool teacher whom we adore. Layla loved preschool, and has missed miss Jen very much.
Memorial day visiting Moms grave
We got to spend some time four wheeling with Annabeth (unfortunately...she was taking the picture)
The Simpson's were so kind to let us come hang out with them this summer, and enjoy the cool pool.
This is just about as brave as Benson got when it came to the water;)
Carter leaned how to water ski.
Layla learned last summer, and it bothered him the whole year that she did it and he didn't, so this time he kept his courage and got her done.
He got up on the first try, and the look on his face was PRICELESS!
Our boating gang
We got to spend 4th of July weekend in Island park with my family. The A-Frame cabin in the back ground was built by my Dad, his brothers, and their Dad. The family all goes up every year for the weekend of the 4th, and it was SO MUCH FUN this year!
"The cabin" isn't big enough for the whole family any more, so our family rented another cabin to stay in. It was really nice at night to have a hot tub to soak in, and large area for playing games. good times.
We had a Greg & Leslie family reunion in Boise, and Joanne did a great job making sure we had plenty of fun activities to choose from. Dad had oral sugary a couple of days before this trip, so that's our excuse for his swollen bruised jaw;)
Same trip...I just love these two.
Layla rounded up all the kids and convinced them to play red rover with her:) They were all such good sports and went along with it. I love Carter in this picture...he had just been picked.
A better look at Dads face. I think it's good for Dentists to have to get in the chair every now and again, just to remind them to be nice;)
I had to include my "people of walmart" photo...check out the fellow behind Layla!
We had the yard sale of the summer! you cant even see half of the stuff from this picture, but it was MASSIVE! 5 or 6 families pulled together to pull it off.
Jeff, little B, and Benson at the airshow at Hill Air Force Base (more on this to come)
I learned how to crochet
Craig's sister and her husband are stationed at HAFB in UT, and the Thunder Birds were doing an air show there, so they invited us to come stay with them. It so much fun to spend the weekend with the Halls. Before the big show started it started to rain...really hard! Luckly, the kids and I were in a hanger when it started coming down, so we didn't get as wet as most everyone else. The bad part was that we had to stand smashed together like sardines in a hanger for 3ish hours, but the good part was we got a great show for sticking it out.
This is a picture of Carter trying really hard to be happy, hahaha.
She is just so beautiful!
Craig earned a trip from his work for the two of us to Mexico for 4 days. It was WONDERFUL...and we didn't have to plan or pay for any of it:) Us in the San Francisco Airport.
We got to spend a week in Driggs, Idaho with my Dad and the Tolman family. It was over Easter weekend, so we had a couple fun Easter egg hunts. Dad taught Layla, and reminded Carter, how to ski. They were so cute, and loved every minute of it...even though Grandpa Greg may or may not have been feeling the same enthusiasm;)
We got to stay in an amazing cabin that was 5 times bigger (and fancier) then my home, it was fun.
Easter Sunday
a picture of us waiting in the hanger during the rain storm at the air show.
Benson adopted this cute car from the yard sale we came from a friends home. He spend many hours this summer zipping around on this little guy.
I don't have any pictures for some reason, but we also had a great reunion with the Garth and Karen Hall family. Everyone was here, and spend many late nights playing games and laughing our socks off.
It was the first time we had seen the Bobo family in two years, so it was great to meet Owen, their newest addition at the time. Shortly after they went home Jenny gave birth to Emily. We love the time we get to spend with them, and only wish we had more.
soooo, that was the short version! Thanks for sticking it out with me:)