This week I have Daddy daughter date night with activity girls, presidency meeting, biggest Rotary fundraiser of the year for my club, Primary activity, primary program practice, ward picnic, and my Primary program. Plus all the normal Stuff...swimming, Karate, gymnastics, preschool, Visiting teaching, bla, bla, bla. And next week is First Impressions Convention, so I'm working like crazy to have a bunch of stuff (policies and procedures book, catalog, new ---------- handbook,etc) ready for that. This really is relevant...or was it? Anyway, I couldn't get my brain to slow down and go to sleep. I think that was the point. Finally at 2:00AM I decided I might as well do something, so I went upstairs to do some research. Soon the pitter patter of tired feet came stumbling into the room.
It was Carter, he said in a frustrated and tired voice "I've been laying in bed with my eyes closed for a rreaaaaallly long time, and it isn't working" ohh, poor little guy, I knew how he felt. I suggested he go lay in my bed with his dad, so he did. A few minutes later the pitter patter returned, and he said my bed didn't work either. He laid on the couch next to me, and the questions started. "Are my old friends going to be in my class this time?" and "what if nobody sits by me" and of course "what if I show up wearing the same outfit as another boy?"...ok, so he didn't say that last one, but you get the picture. We talked about it, and soon he was peacefully sleeping.
In the Morning I told him I had his first assignment of the year. He needed to make one new friend that day at school, and tell me about them when he come home. I told him "some kids" are nervous on the first day of school, so it will really help "them" if you make new friends. He said "yeah, some kids are nervous, but not me huh" as if I hadn't been up half the night with him calming his nerves.
At that moment the thought came to me, he helped me last night as much as I helped him.So sweet.
I love my little guy so much. He is very aware of the needs, and feelings of those around him. Whenever someone is in pain, he wants to make it go away. Carter is so intelligent, and sometimes I forget he is only four. I admire the way he contemplates situations, and loves people. Thank you for the lessons you have taught me Carter. I love you.
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