on January 7, 2011 My Dad, Gregory Romriell, married Ann Meyers. It was the first time we had ALL (me and my siblings) been together since our Moms funeral. We had lot's more fun together this time, but the presance of our Mom was still very missed. It's a strange thing to have your parent re-marry, one of those situations where you don't really know how to act...kind of like a funeral, Just kidding. When people ask me how I feel about my Dad getting married I just say "I'm happy for him, his wife is a really nice lady" which is true, but I have actually gone through a whole range of emotions, and it hasn't all been easy for me to accept. That being said, I am happy for my Dad and Ann, and truely hope they have both found the companionship and love they deserve. They are both such wonderful people, and have so much to offer.
At the wedding I found out the meyers and Romriells have one thing in common...they are both very late...for everything. When the time came for the wedding party to go in the cealing room, Craig and I were the only kids there from my side of the family, and I think only 1 or 2 (out of 9) of Anns kids were there, haha. Needless to say, the wedding didn't happen on time... at all. I feel bad because Craig and I had to rush back to the hotel after the wedding to save Cameron (nephew) from the kids, as a result I don't have any temple pictures. Sad.
After the wedding my siblings, grandpa, uncles, and aunts all went to our hotel and partied. The kids and I made signs for all our family members doors so we could find each other. We swam in the pool, and had a surprise Birthday party for Annabeth. The kids had so much fun with their cousins, and the grown ups stayed up till after 1am talking. It was a great weekend.
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