Monday, January 2, 2012

happy new year

I welcomed the new year by taking Layla to a movie, just the girls. She has been needing some special Mama time, and this was just the thing. She is the funniest little girl ever! You should talk to her sometime, and you'll know what I mean:)

 Right before I took this picture she asked me if we could get some "movie theatre candy" because it looked better then the kind in my purse. I denied her request, and for a moment I wasn't her favorite mommy in the whole entire world.

I am SOOO excited for this new year!


I don't know what it is, but I just feel like it's going to be a great one. I am going to focus on a word this year, because that is more my pace right now then making a big list, and breaking it down into categories like I usually do. This one word fits in all the areas of my life, and I feel like it is really what I need to focus on. Are you ready to hear what my word of the year is?


It came to me as I was getting the "Franchise renewal" documents ready, and emailed out to all  my franchise holders. As I typed the words renew, and renewal, and renewed over and over in each of their letters, something clicked.

I am going to renew my commitment to be a patient and Loving Mother and Wife, always ready with a hug, and push of encouragement.

I am ready to renew my conviction to to lead a great company, and help my business associates reach their goals and dreams.

I am going to fill my callings at Church with a renewed joy, and love for those I serve.

Now I am renewing friendships that I have neglected the past couple years.

I am renewing the promises I have made to the Lord, and feel ready to do his will.

Last but not least, I am renewing my Costco & Gym memberships;)

In 2012, I am renewed!

Yipppeee for me:)

Also, I did a little "while you were out" to Craig, and redecorated our Bedroom to surprise him for his birthday, It turned out sooooo cute! Can't wait to show you.

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